Form structures

    @prefix foaf:  <>.
    @prefix sched: <>.
    @prefix cal:   <>.
    @prefix dc:    <>.
    @prefix rdfs:  <>.
    @prefix ui:    <>.
    @prefix trip:  <>.
    @prefix vcard: <>.
    @prefix xsd:   <>.
    @prefix : <#>.
Form dataRaw dataForm
# A simple group with two fields

:form a ui:Group;
  ui:parts (:part1 :part2).

      :part1 a ui:SingleLineTextField ;
      ui:property vcard:fn;
      ui:label "name" .

      :part2 a ui:EmailField ;
      ui:property vcard:hasEmail; # @@ chcek
      ui:label "email" .
:this vcard:fn "Alice";
               vcard:hasEmail  <> .
# A group with two fields and a nested subgroup

:form a ui:Group;
  ui:parts (:nameField :emailField :addresses) .

      :nameField a ui:SingleLineTextField ;
      ui:property vcard:fn;
      ui:label "name" .

      :emailField a ui:EmailField ;
      ui:property vcard:hasEmail; # @@ chcek
      ui:label "email" .

          a ui:Multiple ;  # -- Allows zero or one or more
          ui:part :oneAddress ;
          ui:property vcard:hasAddress .

              a ui:Group ;  # A subgroup of the main form
              ui:parts ( :street :locality :postcode :region :country ).

                  a ui:SingleLineTextField ;
                  ui:maxLength "128" ;
                  ui:property vcard:street-address ;
                  ui:size "40" .

                  a ui:SingleLineTextField ;
                  ui:maxLength "128" ;
                  ui:property vcard:locality ;
                  ui:size "40" .

                  a ui:SingleLineTextField ;
                  ui:maxLength "25" ;
                  ui:property vcard:postal-code ;
                  ui:size "25" .

          a ui:SingleLineTextField ;
          ui:maxLength "128" ;
          ui:property vcard:region ;
          ui:size "40" .

          a ui:SingleLineTextField ;
          ui:maxLength "128" ;
          ui:property vcard:country-name ;
          ui:size "40" .

##### Data:

:this vcard:fn "Alice";
   vcard:hasEmail  <>  ;
   vcard:hasAddress [
        vcard:street-address "111 Accacia Avennue";
        vcard:country-name "UK"
         vcard:street-address "101 Autumn Ave";
         vcard:country-name "USA"
      ] .