In sol components, anytime URLs are required, you can use absolute URLs or URLs relative to the server root (e.g. /home) or relative to the current webpage (e.g. ./assets/foo.png).
You can insert snippets from HTML, Markdown, and Text documents by supplying the URL of the document.
If the tag specifies `Markdown`, the document will be converted to HTML.
If the tag specifies `Text`, the document will not be converted, regardless of orignal format.
By default all HTML and Markdown documents are sanitized with DOMPurify which means that javascript will be disabled, including onclick actions.
If you supply the `trusted` attribute, the sanitizing will be bypassed and onclick and other inline javasript will be active. Needless to say, use with caution.
Components can call other components. For example a header component might call a banner component and a menu component. Components are trusted by default so only include components you control or trust.
SELECT ?Feedname WHERE { ?x rdfs:label ?Feedname; bookmark:hasTopic "${queryParam}" . }
wanted="* a Bookmark"
<sol-demo style="display:inline-block;margin-right:1rem;">
<sol-demo style="border:1px solid grey; padding:1rem; width:20ch;background:lightgrey;">
<sol-demo style="border:1px solid grey; padding:1rem; width:20ch;">